Bill Caughlin Person-Info 

( Ich bin Bill Caughlin)


(1 - 4 von 12

Conference calls a waste of time In 1915, this one made history -...
These days, making a call across the U.S. is so easy that people often don't even know they're talking coast to coast. But 100 years ago Sunday, it took a...

Caughlin - newest-first | search | ...
want to come to see the birthplace of the United States," Bill Caughlin said. Caughlin is a ranger with the National Park Service. "This is it. It all starts right here ...

AT&T celebrates coast-to-coast call centennial - USA Today
— ... and space and allowed people to talk to their loved ones far away, " says Bill Caughlin, director of AT&T's Archives and History Center. › story › tech ›

Walnut Cracker - WIFFS Finale | Professional Disc Golf Association
Event information and results for Walnut Cracker - WIFFS Finale
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