Bill Guerin Person-Info 

( Ich bin Bill Guerin)


(1 - 4 von 50
) Olympische Spiele: USA und Kanada bestreiten Eishockeyfinale

[SPIEGEL ONLINE - Sport] - Während die Kanadier leicht und locker ins Endspiel des olympischen Eishockeyturniers der Herren am Sonntag stürmten, hatte Finalgegner USA erhebliche Probleme gegen Russland. 

With no Crosby, Penguins may decide to pass on making a deadline deal...
PITTSBURGH, Pa. - Pittsburgh Penguins general manager Ray Shero is among the NHL’s shrewdest and most successful wheeler-dealers at the trade deadline, even if...

NHL podcast: On ex-Edmonton Oilers star Bill Guerin becoming an NHL...
The Minnesota Wild chose another rookie in Bill Guerin to fill their general manager’s chair less than a month after firing Paul Fenton, who lasted in...

Bill Guerin, Doug Weight among new US Hockey Hall of Fame class – The...
Bill Guerin, who had stint with San Jose Sharks during long NHL career, makes USA Hockey's hall of fame
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