Bill Nightingale Person-Info 

( Ich bin Bill Nightingale)


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Guardian: 'Then I knew we were part of something big' | UK news | The Guardian

For a moment, the weight of history seemed too much. As the grey outline of the Normandy coastline emerged from the mist, scores of D-Day veterans displaying...

This time, they sailed not to liberate but to remember
Crossing the Channel yesterday brought back memories of 60 years ago for veterans of the Normandy landings. Elizabeth Day reports

News Post
“This year, under the leadership of Bill Nightingale, Class of 1949, Mickey Littman, Class of 1952, and myself, a committee of members of the ...

2016 JY 15 North American Championships on Yacht Scoring - A complete...
Yacht Scoring is a web based regatta management, regatta administration and regatta scoring system that simplifies the task of competitor registration, event...
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Mark Twain
Vorname "Bill" (6436)
Name "Nightingale" (130)
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