Birgit Nikolay Person-Info 

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Das Ergebnis war zu erwarten, dennoch sei man erstaunt, wie deutlich es ausgefallen ist, so die Österreicherin Birgit Nikolay, die an der Studie ...

International research effort identifies age, respiratory issues as...
... for interventions such as isolation measures if resources are insufficient to cover all suspected Nipah cases,” Birgit Nikolay, first author of the study, said.

MSF Scientific Days (Paris, 2020) | MEDECINS SANS › article › msf-sc...
Birgit Nikolay CoViD-19 in Herat, Afghanistan: epidemiological evolution. Flavio Finger. 10:15 - Debate: Challenge studies: the price to pay?

Older age, respiratory symptoms indicate Nipah virus infectivity
Data from 14 years of Nipah virus outbreaks in Bangladesh demonstrated that older patients with respiratory symptoms generated more secondary cases, and that...
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