Bjorn Emmerling Person-Info 

( Ich bin Bjorn Emmerling)


Alemania deja a la selección española fuera de la gran final | El...
El conjunto que entrena el holandés Maurit Hendriks se jugará la medalla de bronce ante la sorprendente Corea

Sohail’s hat trick goes in vain - Newspaper - DAWN.COM
Pakistan goalkeeper Mohammad Qasim brought off two superb saves besides repulsing a raid by Bjorn Emmerling. Pakistan threatened the ...

WorldHockey Players of the Year aim for Second Gold | FIH
Who is the toughest defender you have played against? Bjorn Emmerling (Germany). I cope with disappointment Because life goes on.
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Person "Emmerling" (2)
Vorname "Bjorn" (1166)
Name "Emmerling" (406)
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