Bob Loftin Person-Info 

( Ich bin Bob Loftin)


(1 - 4 von 12

Jay Farr Rolls a Perfect 300 and a 714 Series at Orange Bowl
[The Ledger] - Mike Burgess, Manny Castanon, Robert Cisco, James Hopkins III, Danny Marcum, Clinton Mathers (279), Scott Moore, Jimmy Sherman, Harold Wadley and Pam Sprow

Perfect Games by Root, Lovett Highlight Area Action on the Lanes
[The Ledger] - In the Cruisers, David Elwood hit On to Interstate, where the Seal Crete Classic produced a 298 by Byron Tennison.

Cale Hits the $1500 Jackpot With a 662 Series at Orange Bowl
[The Ledger] - Bryan Mathers hit , Steve Anderson , Jason Hoyt 694, Jimmy Coffman 671 and Larry Holt Lynn Turner's modest 144 average didn't keep

LateNews May – August – LateTricks – Technical and Freestyle...
Tony Gale and Bob Loftin return for the 19th instalment of the Freestyle Podcast, with tales from the pairs adventures in London and trip to Paderborn, wheel ...
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Tony Gale
Vorname "Bob" (6519)
Name "Loftin" (38)
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