Boris Bartel Person-Info 

( Ich bin Boris Bartel)


'Millionaire fair' flaunts small indulgences - The Daily › news-detail
· Each bottle costs around 3,000 euros," said the brand's owner, Boris Bartel. Or what about a 110,000-euro glass piano, which plays by itself ...

Maxim Rodshtein and Kacper Piorun Lead European Individual › news › all › maxim_rodshtein_and_kac...
· ... Igor Esipenko, Andre , Gelfand, Boris Bartel, Mateusz , Sychev, Klement Anton Guijarro,

Russia's wealthiest flock to Moscow's Millionaire Fair, featuring a › news › money › russia-we...
· "I think everyone would like to look younger, but of course you need a bit of money," said the brand's owner, Boris Bartel, who said each ...

Frust an der Tanke: Gesunkene Preise immer noch zu hoch
Die erste Osterüberraschung hielt die Tankstelle bereit: Am Wochenende vor den eigentlichen Feiertagen sanken die Spritpreise börsenbedingt um zwei bis
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