Brent Sinclair Person-Info 

( Ich bin Brent Sinclair)


(1 - 4 von 11

Long winter may have lasting effects across Ontario - National |...
After experiencing a colder and longer winter than we've seen in many years, there are likely to be some repercussions, but what can we expect?

‘I will never see my son again:’ Tanner Sinclair’s family speaks in...
The family of Tanner Sinclair read out victim impact statements in Yukon Supreme Court Feb. 21.

Cold cricket case could defrost mysteries of changing climate
... Western professor Brent Sinclair and his PhD student Heath MacMillan, use chill-coma recovery as a way to measure insect cold tolerance.

Manslaughter plea in death of Tanner Sinclair exposes 'flawed...
Brent Sinclair says he'll never get over the loss of his son Tanner, who was stabbed to death in Whitehorse in
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Person "Sinclair" (1)
Vorname "Brent" (1917)
Name "Sinclair" (855)
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