Candy Lloyd Person-Info 

( Ich bin Candy Lloyd)


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Aug. 9, Scores and Highlights
[Bangor Daily News] Candy Gifford, Dwight Dawson, Nick L'Italien 28; Marshall Foster, Mike Thibodeau, Todd Hamel, Ray Thibodeau 31; Gary Tourtillotte, Alana Lloyd

Lake Auxiliary to Cowichan District Hospital closes season off with a bang
[Lake Cowichan Gazette] for the year, including Joan Hieta as president, Lorraine Lloyd as vice president; Vivian Dams as treasurer, and Candy Porteous as secretary.

Death Notices, Aug. 7, 2010
[Grand Junction Sentinel] Candy Hall of New Mexico, Lana Jeffries of Carbondale, Vicki Platt of Magna, Utah, and Lisa Clemens of Grand Junction; his father, Lloyd of Grand

Orchards home to unique ‘log cabin’ coffee shop | Vancouver Business...
Take one part log cabin, add two parts business sense and a liberal dash of entrepreneurship. What you end up with is The Beanstalk LLC, a unique coffee
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