Candy Sell Person-Info 

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Lake Wales Medical Center to raise relief for Haiti
[News Chief] - Other departments have been challenged to sell flowers, put together candy trays, have a bake sale or come up with another creative way to raise money.

Scoutreach rebounds membership
[] - They donate time, supplies and help sell candy bars, but the program is still dependent on outside funding. "We work on grant money," Firster said.

Google News: Get parents more involved in education reform

[RocNow] - Teacher Rodney Elam helps ninth-grader Deanna Coates with an algebra problem at a school in Washington, DC, where the mayor oversees the school district.

Lawmakers say vending machine items a local school board decision
[Salt Lake Tribune] - Only percent of Utah middle and high schools did not sell candy or fatty, salty snacks in vending machines in the lowest percentage of 40
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Person "Sell" (9)
Vorname "Candy" (1625)
Name "Sell" (1323)
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