Candy Wagner Person-Info 

( Ich bin Candy Wagner)


(1 - 4 von 18

Dalton Christmas rings in with tradition
[Wooster Daily Record] - Also visiting the baking contest room were Cathy Harder and her co-worker, Candy Wagner. Harder spends time at the festival every year and invited Wagner

Veterans educate Fairfield students
[Gettysburg Times] - And to keep the flag flying 24/7, the Class of 2010, represented by graduate Eddie Leaman and class co-advisors Kayla and Candy Wagner gave the district a

Busfahrer der Wiener Linien beweist Herz für Kinder -
Die Situation kennt vermutlich jeder aus dem Alltag: Eine Mutter mit zwei kleinen Kindern hetzt zu einer Busstation, wo ein Bus knapp vor der Abfahrt steht....

Mom and Daughter She Gave Up for Adoption Together
Candy Wagner gave birth in an unwed mothers home and never saw her baby again.
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