Carole Schmit Person-Info 

( Ich bin Carole Schmit)


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Bauhaus Awards: Neue Spiele in der StadtMitteldeutsche Zeitung
— ... der in Brüssel tätigen Architektin Carole Schmit (mit einer Studie transnationaler Pendler im Benelux-Raum) ernteten die übrigen Preise.

Regards Croisés – Carole Schmit and Milica Topalovic on ...Mudam
Carole Schmit is Guest Professor of Architecture at the University of Luxembourg and works at the same time for the Administration of Public Works. For about ...

Carole Schmit and Milica Topalovic on Leonor Antunes - Visit...
Carole Schmit and Milica Topalovic On the work of Leonor Antunes Two architects who met twenty years ago during their postgraduate studies i...

MUDAM: Franz Erhard Walther + Polaris Architects (Carole Schmit &...
Within the framework of the exhibition Franz Erhard Walther . Architektur mit weichem Kern
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