Caught Video Person-Info 

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(1 - 4 von 36

Man caught on video assaulting people on 16th Street Mall – The...
A video of a man wielding a plastic pole and hitting people on the 16th Street Mall has gotten over views on Facebook and comments ...

Naked hamburger thieves caught on video – The Mercury News
BONITA SPRINGS, Fla. (AP) -- A southwest Florida waitress has dubbed the trio of naked hamburger thieves who broke into an eatery "dumb, ...

Teacher meltdown caught on video - Extra
By GABRIELLE RUSSON. SARASOTA -- A high school math teacher was fired after an angry tirade, in which he appeared to push a student ...

Florida panther attack on Golden Gate Estates cat caught on video
Madeline Lopez was at work Sunday morning when she received an alert on her phone from her motion-activated home security system.
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