Cedric Arnaud Person-Info 

( Ich bin Cedric Arnaud)


Astellia : introducing Flex for scalable user plane traffic...

Rennes, France, March 22nd Astellia, leading provider of network and subscriber intelligence for mobile operators, today launched as part of its...

Service Providers Must Adjust Business and Advertising

Cedric Arnaud-Battandier, VP, Strategy & Corporate Development, Technicolor Anthony Bay, CEO, MOD Systems Gilles BianRosa, CEO, Vuze, Inc. Jeff Bonin, VP, Business Development, Alticast Richard Bullwinkle, Chief Evangelist, Rovi Corporation Scott Burnett, Global Director, Consumer Electronics ...

Astellia: Cédric Arnaud-Battandier's Trends - Developing Telecoms

Astellia's Cédric Arnaud-Battandier highlights his key trends for the upcoming year.

France caught in war with wolves

Amid debate in France on a future policy towards wolves, the government is being asked to come to the aid of sheep farming
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