Celine Singer Person-Info 

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Google News: INTERVIEWS: Beyonce´ creating a special show for cozy Encore theater - Las Vegas Review

[Journal] - The spectacle rivals Celine Dion's "A New Day" as the singer transforms from fragile soul to the rock warrior alter ego of her album title, "I Am ..


[Javno.hr] - Also performing at the concert was Irish soprano singer Celine Byrne, while David Gimenez and Croatia's Ivan Repusic took turns to direct the Symphonic

For the Health of the Nation: Ensure a Public Option

[Huffington Post] anyone they wanted, so an actor, like Tommy Douglas' grandson, Kiefer Sutherland, could have won, or a famous singer like Celine Dion or Shania Twain.

Lake Las Vegas residents keep confidence despite bankruptcy - Las Vegas Review

[Journal] - They're acutely aware of the myriad problems dogging the upscale neighborhood that gained fame as the residence of singer Céline Dion.
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