Charles McDonald Person-Info 

( Ich bin Charles McDonald)


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Taz: unterm strich -

Das sagte der Presseagent des Films, Charles McDonald, gestern der dpa. Zwar gebe es noch keine konkreten Absprachen. "Ich bin aber ...

BBC NEWS | Entertainment | How to drive the publicity machine
In the fourth of a series of interviews with key players in the entertainment industry, the BBC News website speaks to PR guru Charles McDonald.

Charles McDonald reveals how barred writer Manish Mehta took › newspapers › charles-mcdo...
· Mehta hasn't had Jets' access this year, and the Daily News had him use quotes and observations from Charles McDonald without credit.

Volvo Ocean Race: Adel und Wahnsinn - Sport - Tagesspiegel
Die in Großbritannien lebende Amerikanerin Lisa Charles McDonald führt mit "Amer 2" für die Nautor Challenge zum vierten Mal in der ...
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Fine Gael
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