Christian Erwin Gobbel Person-Info 

( Ich bin Christian Erwin Gobbel)


Sound Advice from the Audio Production Team | LIVE-PRODUCTION.TV
Sports: It is the job of the HBS audio team to provide the aural landscape of each live match in creating an ambient backdrop for commentary and recreating the...

Surrounded by Sound | LIVE-PRODUCTION.TV
Sports: The great images of the FIFA World Cup™ might be what is imprinted in the mind of the viewer, but would they have as much meaning without the sound of...

Lebensgefühl einer ganzen Generation
Schon nach wenigen beinharten funkigen Beats, die Schlagzeuger Christian Gobbel präzise und unerbittlich vorgibt, funkt die ganze ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Christian Erwin Gobbel
Christian Gobbel
Vorname "Erwin" (13538)
Name "Gobbel" (21)
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