Christine Mitchell Person-Info 

( Ich bin Christine Mitchell)


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CeBIT-Einladung: Quantum präsentiert Prototyp einer neuen...
Quantum GmbH, Am Speichermarkt brodelt es, und die Datensicherung gehört plötzlich zu den heißesten Themen: Bewegung am Markt: Wer übe…

Christine Mitchell - Daily Echo
MITCHELL Christine Sadly passed away on 8th November Loving Mother to David and Lee and Mother-in-law to Victoria. You will be forever in our…

Sunday Mail columnist Christine Mitchell tells how Weight Watchers...
AFTER being named Weight Watcher's most successful UK leader, Christine reflects on the life-changing Christmas Eve that prompted her to turn her life around.

The secrets of my 42-ton weight loss | Express Yourself | Comment |...
When CHRISTINE MITCHELL weighed 15 stone she was too miserable to leave the house. Now as one of the UK's most successful slimming consultant she has helped...
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