Christine Mitzscher Person-Info 

( Ich bin Christine Mitzscher)


Ranking of the WDSF Open Standard Senior I in DresdenWorld DanceSport Federation
Andre Mitzscher - Christine Mitzscher, GER, 303, 5, 8. Excused couples. Couple, Country. detail · Alberto Ferrari - Mara Bassissi, ITA. detail · Joe Guan - Dior ... Andre Mitzscher - Christine Mitzscher, GER, 303, 5, 8. Excused couples. Couple, Country. detail · Alberto Ferrari - Mara Bassissi, ITA. detail · Joe Guan - Dior ...

Hall Of Fame – LTVB
Infos, News und Interessantes rund um den Tanzsport in Bayern.

Total Results - Saxonian Dance Classics | › archiv › sdc_2014
Andre Bielert - Christine Mitzscher Germany, 1. RoundX--- 1, --X
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