Christopher Stach Person-Info 

( Ich bin Christopher Stach)


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Utstillingen «Living Colour» med Lee Krasners malerier vises på The...
– En av de store mesterne innen fargebruk, sier The Barbican-kurator.

Robert Motherwell Found Unlikely Inspiration in Architecture
Photo: Christopher Stach. More. In 2019, though, the exhibition of the artist's large-scale works, “Sheer Presence: Monumental Paintings by ...

Mexican-born artist to build wall in New York parkThe Art Newspaper
— Christopher Stach. Courtesy of Paul Kasmin Gallery. At 7am on 7 September, a group of Mexican friends led by the artist Bosco Sodi will ...

Freiwillige Feuerwehr Wurmlingen : Leistungsabzeichen
Unter GF Benjamin Schrader nahmen die Kameraden Christopher Stach, Dominic Egloff, Mike und Kai Dufner, Ian Reitzig, Julian Großhans, Pascal Gedig und Jannik Zellner teil. Gut gemacht Jungs! <- …
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