Classic Cars Person-Info 

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) Immobilien und Co.: Geldprofis warnen vor neuen Spekulationsblasen

[SPIEGEL ONLINE - Wirtschaft] - Oldtimer, Bordeaux, Briefmarken: Aus Angst vor Inflation scheint keine Geldanlage zu exotisch, auch Immobilien sind derzeit sehr gefragt. Doch bei vielen Sachwerten entstehen neue Spekulationsblasen, sagen Experten. Den besten Schutz könnte am Ende die gute, alte Aktie bieten. 

Graham finishes his classic car restoration - after nearly 30 years
[Oxford Mail] - After finishing the mammoth project Mr Dix is thinking of buying another two old cars and fixing them up to hire out for weddings when he retires in two

Guardian: Magazine ABCs, first half of 2010: the report card

[The Guardian] - Bauer Media Total average circulation per issue: , down 5.8% year on year Star performers: Classic Cars up 5.2%, Kerrang up 1.8% (both year on year)

Hundreds of classic cars line High St.
[Vineland Daily Journal] - Vinelander Vince Oliveri, who arrived in his bright red Corvette, said classic cars represent something deeper than drive-in movies and root beer float
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