Coco Ngambali Person-Info 

( Ich bin Coco Ngambali)


(1 - 4 von 6

Congolese street-band 'amazed' by international stardom - BBC News
"We are very happy," says Coco Ngambali Yakala - or Coco - a guitarist and a vocalist who suffered from polio at a young age. We also want to ...

Congolese band bring wheelchair groove to Europe | Reuters
They may be paralysed from the waist down, but Congolese band Staff Benda Bilili are bringing crowds to their feet all over Europe with their unique blend of...

Staff Benda Bilili, Union Chapel, London | The Independent | The...
Loosely translated from Lingala, Staff Benda Bilili means

Mbongwana Star: From Kinshasa | Album Review
Picking themselves up from the meltdown of Staff Benda Bilili after two successful albums, songwriters Coco Ngambali and Theo Nzonza ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Coco Ngambali
Vorname "Coco" (1023)
Name "Ngambali" (1)
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