Coconut Palm Person-Info 

( Ich bin Coconut Palm)


Dying off: Antigua's struggle to save the coconut palm - BBC News
The coconut palm, that gives Antigua food, medicine and business, is dying off. So why are efforts to save it taking so long?

Coconut sugar: Is it healthier than white sugar, or just hype? - The...
What is coconut sugar? Is it a better choice than white sugar?

The Truth About Coconut Palm Sugar: The Other Side of the Story!
Coconut Palm Sugar The Truth About Coconut Palm Sugar: The Other Side of the Story! Coconuts like these are sacrificed when the sap from the tree is removed....

Coconut palm sugar for diabetes: Is it safe to eat?
Coconut palm sugar has a rich caramel color, tastes like brown sugar, and has a relatively low glycemic index score. Does this make it safe and healthful for...
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