Harland Sanders und Colonel Person-Info 

( Ich bin Harland Sanders)
(1 - 49 von 128

Colonel Sanders' nephew discloses KFC's secret '11 herbs and spices'...

A handwritten list of 11 herbs and spices discovered in a scrapbook owned by Colonel Sanders' second wife may be the top-secret

Darrell Hammond takes over role as KFC’s Colonel Sanders

Darrell Hammond as KFC's Colonel Harland Sanders Photo: KFC ... over the role as Colonel Harland Sanders in a series of new KFC ads.

KFC Founder Colonel Harland Sander's Secret Manuscript to Be Revealed...

The recent discovery of an unpublished manuscript written by the founder of KFC shows that while Sanders was helping build Kentucky Fried Chicken into a global...

Guardian: KFC dishes up Colonel Sanders' autobiography for free | Books | The...

Kentucky Fried Chicken to make recipe-laden autobiography, written in but discovered last November, available for free download via Facebook
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Person "Sanders" (6)
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Name "Sanders" (2258)