Conny Velensek Person-Info 

( Ich bin Conny Velensek)


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ABC (Madrid) , p Hemeroteca
Conny Velensek, de Alemania occidental, hizo combate nulo con Finnegan y, SEGUNDO por tanto, retuvo él título. Freddie Hill. entrenador de ...

Guardian: Obituary: Chris Finnegan | Sport | The Guardian

Obituary: British boxer who won the middleweight gold medal at the Olympics in Mexico

Chris Finnegan: Olympic boxing gold medallist who became European...
Chris Finnegan had his first professional fight behind closed doors at an exclusive Mayfair club seven weeks after winning the Olympic middleweight gold medal...

Leidse Courant | 5 juni | pagina 9 - Historische Kranten,...
In werd Finnegan Brits kampioen door een puntenzege op Eddie Avoth en bokste hij o.m. onbeslist tegen Conny Velensek die Europees ...
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