Cornelia Sundrum Person-Info 

( Ich bin Cornelia Sundrum)


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UV-LUX at Automotive Glazing Europe 2019
In February 2019, Lohmann’s UV-LUX, a world innovation, was born: The world’s first UV-activatable adhesive tape technology with color change.

UV-LUX: die Erfolgsgeschichte geht weiter auf der Automotive Glazing...
Ende Oktober nahmen unsere Bonding Engineers Cornelia Sundrum (New Business Development), Nicole Ehrmann (Market Manager Transportation) und Dr.-Ing. Johannes Stahl (Application Engineering) als Partner an der diesjährigen Automotive Glazing Europe in Düsseldorf teil.

UV-LUX: the success story continues @Automotive Glazing Europe 2019
At the end of October, our Bonding Engineers Cornelia Sundrum (New Business Development), Nicole Ehrmann (Market Manager Transportation) and Dr.-Ing. Johannes Stahl (Application Engineering) attended this year’s Automotive Glazing Europe in Düsseldorf as exhibitors and partners.

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