Cosmin Dinu Person-Info 

( Ich bin Cosmin Dinu)


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‘Gramps, I think we lost our city’: Fort McMurray families unsure...
Doug Murphy, 62, and Cosmin Dinu, 36, weren't watching a movie or reading a book. They were content to watch the small screen showing the ...

VIDEO De ce am ales documente in cloud - Cosmin Dinu ...Hotnews
— Am discutat cu Cosmin Dinu, IT Manager in cadrul Anchor Grup, una dintre companiile romanesti ce folosesc solutii bazate pe cloud, pentru a ...

Romanians begin work at Ganong factory | CBC › news › canada › new-brunswick › ro...
· Cosmin Dinu and his wife Alexandra decided to make the move to New Brunswick as a way to increase their incomes and experience life in ...

Red Cross sends Maritime volunteers to Fort McMurrayCBC
— Cosmin Dinu of Moncton took time off work to help with the relief effort. "People from Alberta, they need our help in this moment," Dino ...
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