Craig Herschleb Person-Info 

( Ich bin Craig Herschleb)


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Election 2012: Carol McGlinn and Craig Herschleb are running...
Incumbent Carol McGlinn and Craig Herschleb are running unopposed for two six-year seats on the Kalamazoo Public Schools Board of Education.

KPS Trustee Craig Herschleb On Why He's Seeking Another Term
Kalamazoo Public Schools Board of Education Trustee Craig Herschleb says the district has made big strides on its graduation rate in his six years on the…

Meet the candidates for Kalamazoo Public Schools board of education -...
Board members serve year terms and serve as leaders of the school district, passing budgets and making decisions on policies and other school issues.

Kalamazoo district made ‘major mistake’ filling vacancy, former...
Three new members were inducted onto the board Thursday.
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Craig Herschleb
Jennie Hill
Vorname "Craig" (4431)
Name "Herschleb" (11)
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