Craig Parfitt Person-Info 

( Ich bin Craig Parfitt)


(1 - 4 von 13

ACE nomina Craig Parfitt responsabile delle analisi e delle...
ACE ha annunciato oggi che Craig Parfitt è stato nominato a capo del team che si occupa di analisi e delle informazioni di gestione per il settore degli…

The #BredOfHeaven fans who'll be cheering on Wales around the world -...
Merthyr boy Craig Parfitt, who now lives in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. "I'd like to wish the boys all the best!" Merthyr boy Craig Parfitt, who now ...

ACE ernennt Craig Parfitt zum Head of Analytics and World News
LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--ACE hat heute bekanntgegeben, dass Craig Parfitt zum Head of Analystics and Management Information für ...

ACE appoints head of Analytics, Management Information for A&H...
London-based insurer ACE has named Craig Parfitt as head of Analytics and Management Information team for its Accident and Health (A&H) business in Europe, …
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Craig Parfitt
Vorname "Craig" (4431)
Name "Parfitt" (90)
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