Craig Phillips Person-Info 

( Ich bin Craig Phillips)


(1 - 4 von 29
) "Big Brother": Britischer Sieger spendet sein Preisgeld - DER SPIEGEL

Craig Phillips, der 28-jährige Gewinner der ersten britischen

Phillips gets 700th victory
The Hilltoppers certainly got the message, and proceeded to engineer a remarkable rally...

Big Brother winner Craig Phillips keeps it real with £6.9 million...
Big Brother star and Shropshire property owner Craig Phillips was today named one of the richest reality TV stars – despite giving away his £70,000 prize money...

Big Brother winners - where are they now? From Craig Phillips and...
From Craig Phillips and Rachel Rice to Pete Bennett and Sophie Reade From first winner Craig Phillips to Big Brother 18 winner Isabelle ...
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Person "Phillips" (1)
Vorname "Craig" (4431)
Name "Phillips" (4802)
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