Cyndi Pederson Person-Info 

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A surprise wedding fulfills dying grandmother's wish - Washington...
Betty Kline sat in a plush recliner just to the left of the makeshift aisle that cut through the Pederson family's front room.

Decorah's Iowa Great Places communities, volunteers receive › Social › Social › Article
· ... her son Micheal Foster, Kirk Johnson and Kent Foster with Cyndi Pederson, director of the Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs.

Christie Vilsack to attend art walk | Southeast Iowa › News
The Vilsacks always spend Labor Day weekend in their hometown of Mount Pleasant, according to Cyndi Pederson, the first lady's senior advisor.

Act 3 - Business Record
The new guy in charge of the Des Moines Social Club is not, on paper, the most obvious choice to run one of the hippest venues in town for local artists and cre
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