Débora Viana Person-Info 

( Ich bin Débora Viana)


globo: Ficha Técnica – Sonho Meu – Memória

... Varela Carmem Caroline - Ximena Carolina Pavanelli - Maria Carolina (Laleska) Cesar Augusto Cláudia Magno - Josefina Cláudia Scher - Aída Claudia Wagner Cristina Mullins - Márcia Daniela Camargo - Francisca Debora Duarte - Mariana Débora Viana Dora Fennandes Eduardo Caldas - Chico Elias Gleizer - Tio Zé ...

Abilene Reporter-News

Thomas Metthe/Reporter-News Joncilei Mendes (left) and Debora Viana (center), both from Itu, Brazil, help clean up weeds and trash from a ...

Test-drive: Using a product before buying it changes what you want

Rebecca W. Hamilton (University of Maryland) and Debora Viana Thompson (Georgetown University) reveal that once consumers actually try products, their preferences shift from the item with the most bells and whistles to the one that is easiest to use. “Our studies indicate that after using a product, ...
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Vorname "Débora" (108)
Name "Viana" (168)
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