Dan Jongetjes Person-Info 

( Ich bin Dan Jongetjes)


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Digibron.nl, In China 1,5 miljoen meisjes 'verdwenen'

Een andere mogelijkheid is dat Chinese meisjes minder voedsel krijgen en meer worden verwaarloosd dan jongetjes. Met name in de armere gebieden, waar ...

Wisconsin Church Digs Deep for Clean Water | The Banner

This time an answer to prayer came through church member Dan Jongetjes and his family's company, Johns Disposal. Their plan to unbolt the drill from the ...

Church raises $100,000 for huge well digger for Mozambique

Dig Deep is the fitting name they came up with at Brookfield Christian Reformed Church, which raised the money in three months, much of it from rummage sales,...

Final Takeaways from WasteExpo | Waste360www.waste360.com › business › final-takeaways-wa...

· In a session called “A Family Affair: Transitioning to the Next Generation,” Brian Jongetjes and Dan Jongetjes of Johns Disposal, Chris Coulter ...
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Vorname "Dan" (10726)
Name "Jongetjes" (3)
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