Dan Tian Person-Info 

( Ich bin Dan Tian)


(1 - 4 von 7

Confusion about the location of dan tian - General Discussion - The...

HI this is Non again.   I had an issue about the lower dantian and middle dantian, I dont know exactly where it is. I know they say, 2 inches below the nave...

Tian Dan 田單 (www.chinaknowledge.de)

Tian Dan 田單 (early 3rd cent. BCE) was a general of the Warring States period 戰國 (5th cent BCE) state of Qi 齊. He was a distant relative of the founders of the second dynasty of …

Location of the lower dan tian - Energy Arts

I would like to know if anybody can describe the location of the lower dan tian in Bruce's system? When he refers to it, it sounds more like a ...

Chakra and Dan Tian - Daoist Discussion - The Dao Bums

Hello, I am new to taoist alchemy and i am trying to practice Mo Pai. I have read different books about these subjects but still there is something i don't ...
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