Dana Graber Person-Info 

( Ich bin Dana Graber)


(1 - 4 von 29

2.3 million displaced in Iraq, groups say | The Seattle Times

Iraq's displaced population has grown to million people, the Iraqi Red Crescent Society said Monday on the heels of a warning by another...

Inauguran Feria Nacional del Empleo 2020; se ofertarán www.eluniversal.com.mx › nacion

... Dana Graber Ladek, jefa de Misión de la Organización Internacional para las Migraciones; José Aispuro Torres, gobernador de Durango; ...

Increasing number of Iraqis displaced - UPI.com

Increasing numbers of Iraqi civilians are being forced to abandon their homes by rising violence in the country, an international organization says.

Baghdad Residents Return — Warily - TIME

As violence drops, some are returning to neighorhoods that they previously fled. But will the stability last?
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