Daniel Cattell Person-Info 

( Ich bin Daniel Cattell)


(1 - 4 von 6

Short life and fast death of an exile from society: Teenager suffered...

THE inquest on Sally-Anne opened yesterday. The hearing was told that she suffered massive head injuries when the stolen Rover Metro GTA that she was driving...

Probably the most realistic gaming costumes you've ever seen -...

This isn’t the first time Metroid characters have been brought to life in costumes, but they stay so true to the game’s appearance that for a split second,...

Results Base - Brooks Hellrunner 'Hell Down South' 2016

Results Base are the leading timing company in the UK providing solutions for over 500 physical, virtual and self-timed events a year

Chorographies Symposium | Geospatial Innovation in the Digital...

· Dr Daniel Cattell (University of Exeter), '“First in this kinde”: The Curious Case of the “Topo-chrono-graphicall” Poly-Olbion (1612, 1622)'.
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Name "Cattell" (56)
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