Daniel Glenn Person-Info 

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Selectman, former police chief mourned

[Worcester Telegram] followed at 9:30 am by a Mass in St. Vincent de Paul Church, 1 Forest St., Baldwinville. The Rev. Francis A. Roberge will officiate.

Google News: Damages - Enjoy A Great Story!

[Article Maniac] - The writers, Daniel Zelma and brothers Glenn and Todd Kessler, Željko Ivanek, Ted Danson, and Rose Byrne all have received various nominations.

Little League All-Stars roundup: Capitola-Soquel s wins ...

[San Jose Mercury News] - Pitchers Daniel Robinson and Isaiah Glenn combined efforts in an 8-2 win over District 59 champion North Valley at Rainbow Park. Robinson went two innings

Highway patrol trooper's firing for dishonesty upheld

[Las Vegas Sun] - Hearing Officer Daniel Hussey found there was substantial evidence of “serious misconduct” on the part of officer James Glenn, a four-year veteran of the
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