Daniel Novy Person-Info 

( Ich bin Daniel Novy)


Standard Operating Procedure: schauspieler, regie, produktion - Filme...

Besetzung und Stab von Standard Operating Procedure, Regisseur: Errol Morris. Besetzung: Joshua Feinman, Merry Grissom, Zhubin Rahbar, Christopher Bradley.

Consensys & Dubai Properties Group Build Blockchain Document Signing...

Consensys, a venture production studio building decentralized applications and various developer and end-user tools for blockchain ecosystems, which recently...

MIT's Media Lab develops 'Infinity-By-Nine' immersive video...

— (Phys.org) -- Daniel Novy and V. Michael Bove of MIT's Media Lab have developed a new way to create a more immersive viewing experience for ... › news ›

Volume of Bitcoin Trades Continues Surge in Brazil - Bitcoin Magazine

Volume of bitcoin trades in Brazil increased rapidly in Brazil since May. Over the last few months, the volume of all bitcoin trades have risen from US$1.65
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