Daphne Harris Person-Info 

( Ich bin Daphne Harris)


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BBC NEWS | UK | England | Honours for England: The South

Find out more about who from the south was named in the Birthday Honours.

Guardian: Charities with dubious fundraising methods are on last chance, MPs...

Charity bosses who fail to take control over practices used to raise money will face statutory regulations, says committee

Britain's biggest charities believed they were 'above the law' on...

The Information Commissioner has claimed that charities thought they were 'a special case' and tried to find 'wiggle room' over data and privacy laws

Obituary for Daphne HARRIS - Newspapers.com

Clipping found in The Sydney Morning Herald in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia on Dec 4, Obituary for Daphne HARRIS
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Daphne Harris
Person "Harris" (2)
Vorname "Daphne" (1097)
Name "Harris" (3119)
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