Dave Degner Person-Info 

( Ich bin Dave Degner)


Biden on Trump: "My job is just to go beat him"

US Army veteran Dave Degner, 42, explained to Biden that he enlisted before September 11, 2001, and served until "I am unable to ...

Degner wants to take action in Des Moines | News, Sports, Jobs -...

Prior to 2016, Dave Degner of Clutier never had an interest in politics, but today he believes he can best represent the interests of those who live and work in

Pandemic changes how politicians campaign | News, Sports, Jobs -...

The COVID-19 pandemic hit just as 2020’s political climate is heating up.  Campaigns are running differently than before because of the need for social dis
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Person "Degner" (5)
Vorname "Dave" (7915)
Name "Degner" (610)
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