Dave Ell Person-Info 

( Ich bin Dave Ell)


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Veriloquent | triple j Unearthed

AAAhh Veriloquent...We make music if ya couldn't tell. At least...we think it is...but what IS music exactly?

Mr Speaker joins me for a curry | Chris France's Blogvalbonnenews.me › › mr-speaker-joins-...

· ... to stay at nearby Horwood House and to see old (and I mean old) pals Dave Ell, Doddy and Colin O Dell and then a curry before an early ...

Tripe sandwiches for tea | Chris France's Blogvalbonnenews.me › › tripe-sandwiches-...

· Dave Ell is a Yorkshireman, and as usual with that ilk, you can tell a Yorkshireman but you can't tell him much. He has some Alan Bennett pads, ...

Captain thinks tactics are a kind of mint | Chris France's Blog

A Triumph.  That is the only way to describe my cricketing comeback for Little Horwood yesterday. It was not just the 13 classy runs, nor was it my guidance of...
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Name "Ell" (444)
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