Dave Precht Person-Info 

( Ich bin Dave Precht)


(1 - 4 von 12

Outdoors: Pro angler VanDam a big St. Jude backer

“I have a lot of personal connections to St. Jude,” VanDam, 48, said. “I’ve taken Make-A-Wish cancer-afflicted kids fishing, and we have friends who have been...

The Brazil Boys by Dave Precht - Anglers Inn

The Brazil Boys by Dave Precht. The Amazon jungle is a forbidding, dangerous place. Since the first Europeans landed on the shore of South ...

Fishing Superstars Reel In the Dough, TV, Acclaim - Los Angeles Times

Sports: Angler contests dangle $100,000 prizes these days, making the most successful participants millionaires.

Mit dem Shaky Head angeln: Dropshotten am Grund! | Barsch-Alarm |...

Geburtstag des Wiggle Worms hat Dave Precht (Chefredakteur vom Bassmaster Magazine) mit folgenden Sätzen geschlossen: „With the proliferation of plastics, the good old Texas rig has become an afterthought for many. …
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