Dave Prentice Person-Info 

( Ich bin Dave Prentice)


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Tributes paid to Perthshire's 'Mr Orienteering' David Prentice -...

Perthshire man David Prentice dies on climbing expedition in Africa

First picture of British climber Dave Prentice who died climbing...

He had previously scaled five of Mount Elgon's six peaks and was tackling the remaining one at the time of his death

Union gives striking workers bonus

Dave Prentice, spokesman for USW Local 2L in Akron, said union members are in good spirits despite being off the job since Oct. 5. The local ...

Dave Prentice - Scottish Orienteering Association - World of O

Dave Prentice. We are saddened to have to report the death of Dave Prentice, long-time member of TAY. Dave died while hiking in Uganda, after suffering breathing ...
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