David Annen Person-Info 

( Ich bin David Annen)


(1 - 4 von 15

A Celebration of the Life of Bach - DAVID ANNENBBC

The words of Bach and those who knew him. With readers Roger Allam and David Annen.

David Annen - Fakten - StarTV Spielfilm

David Annen - Alle Bilder, Filme, TV Serien und Fakten finden Sie hier zum Star auf TV Spielfilm. Jetzt hier informieren!

David AnnenDoctor Who News

David Annen trained and performed with the Gardzienice Theatre Association of Poland and then spent two years with Mike Alfred's company Method and Madness.

Guardian: PPE: a microplay about politics by the Guardian and the Royal Court –...

The public struggle to keep in step with politicians during the financial crisis. A microplay written by Tim Price, directed by Hamish Pirie and choreographed...
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Person "Annen" (2)
Vorname "David" (65431)
Name "Annen" (294)
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