David Butterfield Person-Info 

( Ich bin David Butterfield)


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NOAA signs Newport, Ore., lease; Cant...

[Seattle Times] - "Everybody I know was fairly surprised by hearing about Newport," said David Butterfield, an oceanographer at the Joint Institute for the Study of the

Panthers defeated by Dragons

[Penrith Panthers] - Joined by the likes of Mark Geyer, Steve Carter, Peter Kelly, Tony Butterfield and David Applebee it was an opportunity for the former guard to be given

David Butterfield back in quarantine | News - Marianas Varietywww.mvariety.com › news › david-butterfield-back...

DAVID Butterfield, a freelance photographer, walked out of Kanoa Resort, the government-designated quarantine facility, on Sunday and was arrested Monday in ...

Cambridge don claims woke critics have branded him a 'white ...www.dailymail.co.uk › news › article › C...

· Cambridge don, Dr David Butterfield, claims he has been branded a 'white supremacist' for studying and teaching classics.
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Vorname "David" (65431)
Name "Butterfield" (113)
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