David Klabunde Person-Info 

( Ich bin David Klabunde)


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Aktuelles - Freiwillige Feuerwehr Bardowick

Zum Feuerwehrmann ernannt: Christoph Fehlhaber, David Klabunde und Jan Niclas Vogeler Zum Oberfeuerwehrmann/frau: Jörn Eggers, Jonathan Marbs, Joshua Stein, ...

State agents reviewing Hamilton shooting are former Milwaukee cops

Department of Justice agents handling the state’s investigation into the fatal shooting of Dontre Hamilton by Milwaukee police had long careers with the city’s...

DA Chisholm Charges Heaggan-Brown in Sylville Smith Death - Shepherd...

On Thursday, Milwaukee County District Attorney charged former MPD officer Dominique Heaggan-Brown with shooting Sylville Smith in the Sherman Park...

Fourteen Shots In April

A new Wisconsin law was supposed to get justice for slain victims of police shootings, like Dontre Hamilton. Here's what happened.
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