David Mark Addison Person-Info 

( Ich bin David Mark Addison)


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Denver’s unknown (but passionate) art collectors – The Denver Post

Major art collectors in the Denver-Boulder area might not have the historical pedigree of those in Boston or the society clout of those in Houston, but they...

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Afghanistan Briton 'found dead'

A body found in Afghanistan is thought to be that of a kidnapped British lorry driver, the Foreign Office says.

Guardian: Body of missing Briton found in Afghanistan | World news | The ...www.theguardian.com › world › sep › afghanistan.a...

· The body of a man thought to be missing British lorry driver David Addison was found by coalition troops in western Afghanistan yesterday, ...

British hostage found dead in Afghanistan - Telegraph

A Briton taken hostage in Afghanistan last Wednesday has been found dead, the Foreign Office has said. It blames the Taliban for his killing.
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