David Pattyn Person-Info 

( Ich bin David Pattyn)


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Guardian: Country diary, 100 years ago: Rare night heron returns to the...

Originally published in the Manchester Guardian on 9 November 1912: A friend of mine was lucky enough to see a night heron, an exceedingly rare bird, standing...

Kaltblütige Genies - Wiener Zeitung Online

Was die Intelligenz betrifft, sind Reptilien lange Zeit unterschätzt worden.

Wild thing: The world's best wildlife photographs | The Independent

There are hundreds of small towns in France. Few of them can lay claim to be the world capital of anything. Montier-en-Der can.
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu David Pattyn
Vorname "David" (65431)
Name "Pattyn" (24)
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