David R. McCandless Person-Info 

( Ich bin David R. McCandless)


Guardian: David McCandless | The Guardian

InformationIsBeautiful.net. His book of infographics and data visualisations, The Visual Miscellaneum (HarperCollins), is out in the US now, and in February in the UK. InformationIsBeautiful @gmail.com. December

David McCandless on Knowledge is Beautiful - RSA

Data journalist, designer and founder of the blog sensation Information is Beautiful, David McCandless visits the RSA to demonstrate how visualised information...

David McCandless to Speak at Collibra Data Citizens Conference |...

software solutions for business users, today announced data journalist and designer David McCandless will be the opening keynote speaker at its inaugural user conference, the Collibra Data Citizens Conference. McCandless's talk will explore the ...

Welcome to our office: David McCandless, renowned data journalist and...

Welcome to our office: David McCandless, renowned data journalist and speaker . September ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu David R. McCandless
Vorname "David" (65431)
Name "Mccandless" (29)
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