David Schamel Person-Info 

( Ich bin David Schamel)


January Schamel Good News Messenger - The Schamel Family

By David Schamel Good job Job! Josiah Job is now 8 months old. He is learning many new "tricks". He recently has learned to crawl. He likes to crawl to mom and to toys and to little pieces of stuff on the floor. Job's favorite word is "da da". He also says "mama" and "buba" , and "hi". We are working on teaching him sign ...

October Schamel Good News Messenger - The Schamel Family

By David Schamel September 23rd was the first day of fall. I like fall because you can rake up leaves and jump into the pile, and because I think all of the yellow and red leaves look very pretty. Do you know why all of the leaves turn red and yellow? In the fall, God tells the trees to send all their sap to their roots. This causes ...
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